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Title: The protection of East Anglian wetlands Phase 2 : review of BGS draft report. February 1995 (OI 558)
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: review of bgs draft report the protection of east anglian wetlands phase 2
This Report was commissioned by the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region as part of an ongoing Operation Investigation into wetlands hydrology. The review has been carried out by Professor J.W. Lloyd and Dr. J.H. Tellam of the School of Earth Sciences of Birmingham University. Mathematical aspects have been reviewed by Dr. A.W. Herbert of that School. It is appreciated from the start that the subject of wetlands hydrological analysis is very difficult, so that any criticisms noted below are to be understood in that context. This review is not intended to provide detailed alternative analysis procedures to those proposed by BGS, but to provide constructive comment on the appraisal of the methodology applicability, the structure of the BGS Draft Report, and points of definition.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: MethodologyHydrological measurementsWetlandsModelsForecastingWater use
Geographic Keywords: EA AnglianBroadlandBroadland Rivers catchment
Extent: 21
Total file downloads: 333

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