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Title: Technical basis for the predicted impacts of relocating Redgrave abstraction to Borehole B
Author: Entec
Document Type: Monograph
This technical note summarises the work carried out by Entec in Stage II of the relocation modelling study as follows: interpretation of results from the 50 day pumping test on Borehole B; development of a regional groundwater flow model incorporating the concepts derived from this interpretation and from other work in Stage II; Calibration of the model against 20 years of historic data; use of the model to predict the impacts of relocating to Borehole B. Preliminary impact predictions based on this work have already been reported in our letter reference 15558C668 and are not repeated here. The aim of this note is to describe the work on which these predictions have been based to enable members of the Project Liaison Group to review the adequacy of the modelling tool used. As such it provides background information for those attending the review meeting in Ashbocking on 7 May 1996.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: GroundwaterWater abstractionGroundwater monitoringModellingWater availabilityTechnology
Geographic Keywords: EA AnglianSuffolk
Extent: 8; + figures
Total file downloads: 300

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