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Title: Partnership in environment protection : taking steps towards a better environment in the midlands
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
This booklet shows just some of the positive partnerships set up 'to protect and improve our environment', partnerships that have been of real practical benefit to local communities and the environment at large. It also shows how our 'Partnership in Environment Protection' can be taken forward. These collaborative ventures can work in lots of different situations, for all kinds of projects, large and small. They are vital if we are to find sustainable solutions to the many environmental problems concerning all of us. Some of the projects featured here have been recently completed or are ongoing. Some are planned to start soon. But all of them provide the opportunity for ownership and participation by the community. They also illustrate the opportunities for an innovative and flexible approach to our environmental problems. This booklet will serve as a record of projects in our region. We hope that it will also help us to promote an even more positive and proactive approach to working partnerships, as we seek to protect our environment.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Environmental managementPartnershipsCommunity involvement
Geographic Keywords: Lower Trent and Erewash catchmentMidlands (England)
Extent: n.p.[13]
Total file downloads: 316

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