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Title: Our Midlands environment : the Environment Agency in action
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
The environment remains high on the national agenda. The main focus over the next 25 years will be toward climate change, water management and pollution prevention. The Agency will have a major role in contributing to these policy areas in fulfilling its duty to encourage sustainable development. Their regulation will present many challenges to the Agency's management and staff. The Agency is confident that with foresight and the best use of available resources, the challenge of maintaining the correct balance between regulation and negotiation in environmental protection, can be met. This report deals with the Agency's current work and discusses areas for development; some of these will need resourcing. This report to the Regional Environment Protection Committee (REPAC) is prepared by the Midlands region and looks at the impact of current national and international policies, legislation and pending directives on the work of the Agency in the areas of Process Industry Regulation, Waste Regulation, Contaminated Land, Water Quality, Water Resources and Conservation. It includes a summary and a technical section for each topic area.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Nature conservationWater managementWater qualityWater pollutionEnvironmental management
Geographic Keywords: Midlands (England)EA Midlands
Extent: 32
Total file downloads: 346

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