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Title: New life for Swanbourne Lake
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Agency is one of the most powerful environmental regulators in the world with many responsibilities to help protect land, air and water. Swanbourne Lake is owned and managed by the Arundel Estate. The Agency is concerned about what happens to the lake because it has a duty to balance the protection of the water environment with the demands from industry and the public. The lake is particularly important because it is located within the South Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty(AONB) and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It also contains rare and interesting animals, plants and insects. The Agency has a primary duty to protect and preserve for future generations sites such as Swanbourne Lake. The water in Swanbourne Lake starts as rainfall on the South Downs. It soaks through the chalk as it flows towards the coast. Before it reaches the sea some of the water emerges in springs which run into the lake. They are known as the Blue Springs because of the distinctive blue tint of the water as it flows from the ground.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: LakesSite of Special Scientific InterestEnvironmental managementWater abstractionWater supply
Geographic Keywords: Arundel
Extent: n.p. [8]
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