Title: The Atlantic Salmon Trust Journal 2011
Author: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Document Type: Monograph
Atlantic Salmon Trust Journal 2011 contains regular AST news, in addition to support projects, book reviews, and the research role of the AST. This document contains articles on "Ocean Silver" written by Professor Ken Whelan, "mixed stock fishieres- the AST position" by Ivor Llewelyn; "enough salmon pie for all? no future for Scottish mixed stock salmon fisheries" by Andrew Wallace; "Ireland's net fisheries: the vexed question of castlemaine" by Niall Greene, "the impact of commercial salmon nets on Northern Ireland's diminishing wild salmon resource" by Michael Shortt; "fry surveys" by Paddy Gargan; "SALWRD: Determining Scottish Salmon Sea-Ages from length or weight and return-date" by Phil Bacon; "the long-distance migration of the salmon of the Loire and Allier: a closing window of opportunity" by Patrick Martin and Eric Verspoor; "man, chalk streams and salmon" by David Solomon; "sea trout workshop"; "south coast sea trout action plan"; "wild sea trout: helping them access habitat" by Shaun Leonard; "sea lice modelling" and "natural obstructions: how nature makes salmon LEAP for their lives" by Colin Carnie; "salt and sweet" by Dick Shelton.
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 2011
Publication Place: Perth
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheries; Fishery management; Fish migration; Life cycle; River fisheries; Marine fisheries; Stocking density; Fish farms; Population distribution; Population dynamics; Stock assessment; Chalk streams
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salar; Salmo trutta; Salmonidae
Extent: 47
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ast:121
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