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Title: Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0213, Northumberland, 2012
Related Party - Organisation (Author): ADAS UK Ltd.
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): Defra
At Newcastle University’s Cockle Park Farm near Morpeth, north-east England (clay loam topsoil texture), direct nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3) emissions were measured from replicated (x3) plots (24 x 13 m), following spring applications of manufactured nitrogen (N) fertilisers to winter barley. A control treatment was included where no N fertiliser was applied. Ammonium nitrate (AN) fertiliser (34.5% N) or urea fertiliser (46% N) were applied at a rate of 160 kg N/ha, in three split applications (mid-March, late-March and early-April). In separate treatments, a commercially available nitrification inhibitor was tested; dicyandiamide (DCD) was sprayed at a rate of 10 kg/ha (6.5 kg N/ha) onto the AN and urea plots immediately after N fertiliser application. The N supplied by the DCD was accounted for in the 160 kg N/ha application. Additionally, AN and urea fertiliser was also applied in five equal splits in mid-March, late-March, mid-April, late-April and early-May i.e. 'little and often'. Following N fertiliser application, measurements of direct N2O-N were made over c.12 months, using 5 static chambers (0.8 m2 total surface area) per plot and analysed by gas chromatography. This dataset is of daily nitrous oxide flux (g N2O-N/ha/d) measurements. The first measurement is a 'background' measurement i.e. before any treatments were applied. If the data file is downloaded/opened in excel, dates may appear as dd-mm-yy instead of the standard yy-mm-dd.
Subject Keywords: Nitrous oxideAmmonium nitrateUreaNitrification inhibitorsArable landClay soils
Geographic Keywords: Northumberland
Observed Properties: DateExperimental blockingExperimental treatmentNitrous oxide mass fluxYear
Parameter: Block number
Parameter: Daily nitrous oxide emission
Parameter: Measurement date
Parameter: Treatment
Parameter: Year experiment started

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -1.77
    Longitude (East): -1.53
    Latitude (South): 55.15
    Latitude (North): 55.30

Phenomenon Time -  Start Date/Time: 2012-03-12 End Date/Time:  2013-03-12
Result Time: 2013-03-12
Valid Time -  Start Date/Time: 2012-03-12 End Date/Time:  2013-03-12
Feature of Interest: biosphere
Publication Date: 2017-02-03

This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.

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