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Title: Stream survey and assessment in the Ashford and Folkestone areas
Author: P.D. Armitage
Author: R.J.M Gunn
Document Type: Monograph
The proposed clearance depot east of Ashford and the rail terminal north of Folkestone were the two major inland construction activities associated with the Channel Tunnel Project. Construction and operation of the above may affected some small streams and ditches in the Ashford and Folkestone areas. Prior to construction the Freshwater Biological Association was contracted to undertake a survey of benthic invertebrates and macrophytes in selected freshwater habitats in order to a) assess the biological quality of the streams which may be affected by construction work and b) provide a baseline of biological data for future assessments. Benthic fauna and macrophytes were sampled three times per year at 14 sites. Faunal and plant lists were compiled. Faunal lists were used to calculate biological quality indices and assess the status of the sites by reference to the FBA's existing data base.
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1987
Publication Place: Dorset
Subject Keywords: Environmental impact assessmentMacrophytesBenthic environmentInvertebratesEnvironmental qualityAquatic environmentSamplingBiological indicatorsWater qualitySeasonalityRIVPACSTaxonomyChemical monitoring
Geographic Keywords: EnglandKent (county)
Extent: 44; 5 figures
Total file downloads: 246

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