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Title: Faunal and environmental characteristics of sites receiving residual flows from reservoirs
Author: Patrick Armitage
Document Type: Monograph
In the past the quantities of water released from reservoirs have been subject to arbitrary rulings. Throughout Great Britain there are a large number of reservoirs where decisions as to the amount of compensation flow to be released were made many years before the present archive of river flow data was available. These data are now being used by the Institute of Hydrology as the basis for preparing guidelines for resetting reservoir operating policy and compensation releases in order to minimise disturbance to the flow regime downstream and wherever possible to conserve water for supply purposes. The chief aims of the biological study in this report are: 1. to relate below-reservoir faunas to conditions of flow and other physical and chemical characteristics of the sites; and 2. to answer the question "Are the regulated-stream faunas distinct from unregulated-stream faunas in similar areas?"
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1983
Publication Place: Ambleside
Subject Keywords: MacroinvertebratesBiological analysisEnvironmental factorsDamsTaxonomyFamily (taxa)BMWPPhysical measurementsChemical measurementsTemperature
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: ArthropodaNeumoridaeLeuctridaeBaetidaeGammaridaePolycentropodidaeHydropsychidaeRhyacophilidaeNaididaeLumbriculidaeChironomidae
Extent: 40
Total file downloads: 201

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