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Title: A biological survey of Westworth Reservoir, near Guisborough, Cleveland
Author: D.T. Crisp
Document Type: Monograph
During the winter of 1980-81 the F.B.A. was asked, by the Cleveland Nature Conservation Trust, to advise on aquatic aspects of the future of Westworth Reservoir in Cleveland. As the value of advice may be very limited, unless based on some factual information about the system under discussion, it was desirable to make a simple survey of the reservoir and its fauna. Winter is not a good time of year for such surveys but as the advice was required quickly a simple survey was made on 10 February, 1981, followed by additional sampling on 10 June 1981. The present report outlines the results of the surveys and then discusses them in the light of questions formulated by the Cleveland Trust.
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Publication Date: 1981
Publication Place: Ambleside
Subject Keywords: Biological surveysChemical monitoringPlanktonBenthosMacroinvertebratesZooplanktonMacrophytesNutrients
Geographic Keywords: Westworth Reservoir
Taxonomic Keywords: Arthropoda
Extent: 13; + appendix
Total file downloads: 203

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