Title: Investigation into the chemicals present and entering the Stover Lake, Stover Country Park
Author: P. Rose
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: Devon Area internal report
Stover Lake is a SSSI at Stover Country Park, Stover, Devon. English Nature and the Stover Country Park wardens have been concerned about a decline in the ecological diversity of the main lake and concerns were raised this may be due to eutrophication of the water body. The lake is fed via streams which have been or have the potential to become pollutedfrom a ranges of sources. These include the Heathfield industrial estate, the A 38 dual carriageway, a hydraulically overloaded sewer line, metallic seepages from a plantation area and potential enrichment from domestic misconnections. Smaller satellite ponds around the periphery of the lake which are groundwater fed have a desirable ecological status. Investigations were carried out to identify the chemicals present in the water column and in sediment at 4 sites, the inflow, outflow, main lake and a control satellite pond. Samples were collected and analysed using quantitative and investigative qualitative analyses to produce an inventory ofsubstances present. A range of Environmental Quality Standards were adopted and applied to the results and the data set from the lake compared with that from satellite pond control The lake was found to be marginally eutrophic with a high zinc concentration present in the sediment. The zinc was at a concentration where some detrimental effects on the biota of the lake would be expected. How these effects would be expressed in the biota / ecology of the lake is unclear. Loading calculations indicated zinc to be the only substance to be accumulated in the lake to any degree. There was no evidence of exotic pollutants in either aqueous or sediment samples at any of the sites other than those naturally associated with freshwater environments. A portable water quality monitor was installed in the centre of the lake to record dissolved oxygen % saturation, pH, temperature and conductivity. Data gathering was at 15-minute intervals and covered the period early July to early November 2002. Data from his deployment did not indicate the algal activity normally associated with a eutrophic water body. Dissolved oxygen saturation way generally poor and pH levels generally stable. This lack of eutrophic signature combined with presence of a nutrient enriched water body would suggest something to be inhibiting phytoplankton action. Whist it is evident that nutrient enrichment and metal seepage to the feeder streams have been having an impact on the lake and potentially its eco-diversity, no evidence of recent exotic pollution incidents were apparent. However, there remains the potential for Stover Lake to be polluted by a major incident from Heathfield industrial estate, hydraulic failure of nearby sewerage and spills on the A38 dual carriageway.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Lakes; Nature reserves; Water quality; Water quality surveys; Water pollution; Chemical contamination; Chemical monitoring; Eutrophication
Geographic Keywords: Stover Country Park; Devon; South Devon catchment
Extent: 12; + 6 figures, appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:555
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