Title: Urban waste water treatment directive : Tw Estuary sensitive area (eutrophic) : submission (1997)
Author: G. Clark
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: Devon Area internal report February 1997
This report of the Devon Area office of the Environment Agency deals with the problem of eutrophication of the Taw-Torridge Estuary. The upper reaches of the estuary occupy a narrow winding channel with a typically muddy substrate. The middle and lower reaches are broad, although at low tide the water occupies narrow channels, bordered by intertidal mud and sand banks. Data is given of the "Taw Estuary Classification Results - 1995 Survey" presenting results of biological and physicochemical monitoring.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive; Waste management; Waste legislation; Estuaries; Water pollution; Water monitoring; Environmental surveys; Chlorophylls; Environmental protection
Geographic Keywords: Taw; Taw-Torridge Estuary; Devon; North Devon catchment
Extent: n.p. [84]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:549
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