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Title: Chlorohyll and Phosphorus Classifications for UK Lakes
Author: L. Carvalho
Author: G. Phillips
Author: S.C. Maberly
Author: R. Clarke
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1345, Representation ID: 449, Object ID: 2520
Type-specific chlorophyll reference conditions have been defined for a number of lake types using a large European dataset of 540 reference lakes. Regression models for predicting site-specific chlorophyll and total phosphorus conditions from typology variables (mean depth, alkalinity, altitude and colour) have also been developed. Currently there is a great bias towards shallow and deep low alkalinity lakes. More effort is, therefore, needed to identify and sample sufficient numbers of sites of these under-represented lake types to improve models. In the UK most effort should probably be focused on very shallow lake types (low, medium and high alkalinity) and medium and high alkalinity lakes (all depth types). Peaty lochs may also require targeted attention.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: LakesClassification systemsPhytoplanktonPhosphorusChlorophyllsFreshwater ecology
Extent: 94
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