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Title: UK Climate Impacts Programme 2002 Climate Change sanarios: Implementation for Flood and Coastal Defence: Guidance for Users
Author: Peter Hawkes
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1310, Representation ID: 431, Object ID: 2499
This report provides guidance for use of the UKCIP02 climate change scenario information within the flood and coastal defence community of England and Wales. It is presented in user manual format, including specific guidance for particular activities within the general areas of ”Coastal” and ”Rivers” (referring to input and derived hydraulic parameters) and ”Decisions” (referring to economic decisions). The widely used ”appropriate precautionary allowances” recommended by Defra were reviewed in the light of the new information in UKCIP02. The advantages of maintaining continuity with current allowances were thought to outweigh the value of any refinements that might be made to the allowances. However, a new allowance for high and extreme wave conditions is recommended, and it is noted that ongoing research may soon permit refinement of the rainfall and river flow allowances. The allowances, approaches and demonstration calculations are not intended to stifle the use of more exhaustive or sophisticated methods in major studies such as strategy studies, national flood risk assessments or CFMPs. However, they are recommended as appropriate in studies where climate change assessment is a relatively small part of the total study, and/or where necessary to maintain consistency with other similar studies, for example in prioritisation of defence schemes competing for funding. The accompanying Project Record (Environment Agency / Defra, 2002b) reviews the requirements and opinions of potential users and sets them alongside the information available from the UKCIP02 climate change scenarios. Where necessary, it recommends further research needed to facilitate consistent use of the future climate change information within the flood and coastal defence community.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: RainfallClimate changeFlood risk managementSea levelFlood defence structuresFlow rateEstuariesWind speedWater levelsCoastal watersRunoffModellingMarine environmentFreshwater ecology
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Extent: 56
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