Title: A Demonstration Of The Feasibility Of Soilpacs
Author: M Weeks (Institute Of Terrestrial Ecology J
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_468, Representation ID: 149, Object ID: 1807
One way of quantifying pollution impact is to predict which species should be present at a site based on ecological surveys of uncontaminated areas, and then to survey the polluted sites to see which species are absent. The degree of absence could, then be used as an indicator (or predictor) of pollution impact. This approach has been developed extensively in freshwaters; The most comprehensive approach has been RIVPACS from which the title of this report is derived. This report demonstrates the potential for the development and use of a terrestrial counterpart to the familiar means of determining the biological quality of freshwaters (RIVPACS). It investigates the availability and overall suitability of existing data and information, and gives an example of a specific case study. It also outlines the theoretical and practical aspects of a soil biological site classification system. Recommendations concerning future research and development requirements for SOILPACS are suggested. The programme of work undertaken in this study compared the situation for a soil system with the current RIVPACS scheme, analysed existing soil biological field data for invertebrates, identified the needs for new data and technique requirements and provided a SOILPACS case study.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Water pollution; Environmental protection; Regulations; Soil conservation; Freshwater ecology; Taxonomy
Extent: 202
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4491
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