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Title: Aquatic Weed Control Operation - Best Practice Guidelines
Author: P R F Barrett
Author: M P Greaves
Author: J R Newman
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_513, Representation ID: 176, Object ID: 1852; ID:EAPRJOUT_955, Representation ID: 288, Object ID: 2253
These Guidelines provide a source of information on the range of weed control techniques: available, with guidance on the selection of best practice options. The biology and ecology of aquatic weeds and the environmental implications of weed control operations are outlined, to ensure that optimum techniques can be selected, and adverse impacts minimised. The performance of different mechanical chemical, biological and environmental control techniques are described, with flow charts to aid selection. Integrated management aimed at reducing costs and enhancing performance is also described. All the common aquatic weed species are described individually, together with the control options appropriate to those weeds. Control recommendations. include those which can be applied selectively to control only the target weed species, or applied locally to limit the area of control where such techniques exist. Addresses of machinery and herbicide manufacturers, a list of approved herbicide products and advice on the management of SSSIs and other sensitive areas, is provided.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Freshwater ecologyWeed controlPlant ecologyHerbicidesChemical controlEnvironmental control
Extent: 141
Total file downloads: 55

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