Title: Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : Black Bog in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
Author: Environment Agency Hampshire Area
Document Type: Monograph
The following report has been commissioned by the Environment Agency (Southern Region).It has been prepared on behalf of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and is one of seven audits covering species of rivers and wetlands that are
considered to be a priority for conservation action by the Environment Agency and its partners. The species covered by the audits are: Wetland and river molluscs (Anisus vorticuhis, Pisidium tenuilineatum, Pseitdanodonata complanata, Segmentina nitida, Vertigo moulinisiana); Freshwater Crayfish; Southern Damselfly; Marsh Fritillary; Black Bog Ant; Birds of Rivers and Reedbeds (Bittern, Kingfisher)and Water Vole. In Britain, the ant genus Formica contains eleven species (Bolton an Collingwood, 1975). Four of these species are designated as nationally endangered (i.e. Red Data Book species) (Falk, 1991). These are F. Candida Smith (listed as F. transkaucasica by Falk), F. ex sec ta Nylander, F. pratensis Retzius in Degeer, and F. rtifibarbis Fabricius. Of these, F. Candida, F. exsecta and F. pratensis, have been recorded from Hampshire, though only F. Candida is still found there, the other two species not having been observed in the county for many years (indeed, it is very likely that F.pratensis is extinct as a British species).
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Winchester
Subject Keywords: Mollusca; Insects; Habitats; Nature conservation; Bogs; Wildlife management
Geographic Keywords: Isle of Wight; Hampshire; New Forest (Hampshire)
Extent: 17
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:433
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