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Title: Trial foreshore recharge
Author: Mark Dixon
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: national rivers authority january 1992
In January 1990 a report was prepared that outlined problems of Sea Defence instability due to salting and foreshore loss i.e. lower foreshores allow greater wave attack with consequent higher sea walls to provide a n effective defence. The reasons for this loss are a complex but are sumarised as relative sea level rise being major cause with additional damage being created by pollution, dredging activities and loss of marine grass beds from disease. Ordnance survey map comparisons from 1925 to 1983 for Walton Backwater approaches shew a loss during that 60 year period of 75 hectares o f salting, 218 hectares of foreshore and a combined volume of 3.5 million tons of silt and sand eroded. The consequences have been an increasing expenditure on flood defences and total loss of high conservation and recreation value areas. The report proposed an experimental solution that would utilise available pollutant free dredgings fran Harwich Harbour, such material is normally dumped at sea 12 miles to the east of Harwich. Three sites were suitable, Foulton Hall, Stone Point and Horsey Island. Research and monitoring would be required.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: PollutionCoastal watersErosionMonitoringBathymetric surveys
Geographic Keywords: Essex
Extent: 19; + appendices
Total file downloads: 309

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