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Title: Catchment ecosystem research and development : scoping study
Author: A.G. Hildrew
Author: J.D. Hutchinson
Author: S.J. Ormerod
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: catchment ecosystem research and development : scoping study
The Feasibility and Scoping Study into Catchment Ecosystem Research commenced in April 1994 and was funded by the National Rivers Authority, the Natural Environment Research Council, English Nature and the Economic and Social Research Council. It has involved a wide process of consultation with many organisations. A workshop, held in Cardiff on 14 and 15 September 1994, formed an important part of the consultation process. The overall objective of the Study was to examine the feasibility of undertaking a programme of research and or development on man's impact on catchment ecosystems which is both of high scientific value and of significant practical value for enabling catchments to be better managed on a sustainable basis and, if affirmative, detailed plans outlining the programme were to be produced. During the course of the Study current scientific knowledge was reviewed and 15 key science questions were identified and prioritised using three criteria interest, feasibility and ability. Eleven key management issues were identified and prioritised on the basis of the frequency with which issues were mentioned or ranked during consultations with managers and the frequency with which they appeared as issues in NRA Catchment Management Plans. The science questions and management issues were matched in order to target and prioritise research and to assess whether such research should be primarily science or user led, or whether there was a match of interests.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: ConsultationEcosystemsCatchment managementResearch projectsManagement
Extent: 99
Total file downloads: 305

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