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Title: The Cam catchment, Anglian region : proposals for statutory water quality objectives
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This document sets out the proposals of the National Rivers Authority and the Environment Agency for Statutory Water Quality Objectives, SWQOs, for stretches of river in the Cam catchment. Its purpose is to provide local organisations and individuals with the opportunity to comment before more formal Government consultations take place. This is the start of a process which may ultimately lead to the setting of SWQOs by the Secretary of State. Our role in this is to advise the Secretary of State on which SWQOs should apply, having heard the views of interested parties and taken into account the environmental, technical and economic implications of their views.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water qualityConsultationCatchment managementWater abstractionEnvironmental management
Geographic Keywords: Cam and Ely Ouse catchmentCamCambridgeshire
Extent: 20
Total file downloads: 296

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