Title: An assessment of the NRA algal growth inhibition test : 1993/4
Author: National Rivers Authority Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
To date the NRA has controlled the release of potentially polluting effluents by chemical
discharge consents. These consents specify maximum permitted levels of individual chemicals
in the effluent. Monitoring compliance with these consents via chemical analysis can be
complicated and expensive particularly when dealing with complex effluents, in which
individual constituents are often unknown, and can be numerous. Lack of information on
toxicity of both the combined and individual chemicals further increases the problem. It is for
this reason that the NRA has developed a protocol for setting a toxicity based consent which is
being pilot tested for the next two years and could become part of the UK water quality
management procedure by 1996. This would allow the toxicity of complex effluents to be
There are a number of methods currently being developed, which will form a battery of tests
to be used in assessing an effluents' toxicity. The project I undertook during my placement
year involved the setting up of the NRA algal growth inhibition test. The Water Research
Centre, under contract to the NRA, has produced a protocol for the test which has been
submitted in various draft forms during the project. The project's aim has been to assess the
protocol and gather data on reference toxicants. Reference toxicants are used in assessing
variations in sensitivity of test organisms over time thereby acting as a quality control. In
addition, some of the tests performed included samples either as 100 per cent bioassays or as a
dilution series.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Algae; Water quality; Ecotoxicology; Laboratory experimentation; Zinc; Protozoa
Extent: 57
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3999
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