Title: Experimental management of wetland habitats at Pinkhill Meadow (383/1/T) : interim report
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This report describes the interim results of survey, monitoring and experimental work undertaken by Pond
Action for the NRA National R and D Project Wetland creation river corridor enhancement’. The project has two main parts. Firstly, the post project appraisal of the nature conservation value of a typical off river enhancement scheme. Secondly, an experimental investigation of the management of vegetation in newly created wetland habitats. The work is being undertaken at the new Pinkhill Meadow Nature Reserve, Farmoor Reservoir, Oxfordshire, where a new 2ha wetland has been created on existing flood meadow adjacent to the River Thames. The Reserve was established by Thames Water Utilities Limited and NRA Thames Region in two phases between July 1990 and February 1992, with ecological advice from Pond Action. In Phase one, four ponds of varying size, depth and water regime were created. These were extended in Phase two to establish a mosaic of wetland habitats with permanent and temporary water, mud flats and areas of new wet meadow.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Nature reserves; Wetlands; Nature conservation; Environmental management; Ponds; Biodiversity
Geographic Keywords: Pinkhill Meadow; Farmoor reservoir; Oxfordshire
Extent: 115
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3917
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