Title: Meiofaunal assemblages of the Thames Estuary, April 1989-March 1990 : modules I-III : a study of the meiofaunal communities present in sediment samples collected by the National Rivers Authority, Thames Region
Author: M.W. Trett
Author: R.L. Feil
Document Type: Monograph
The aim of the study reported here is to examine the use of the assemblages of meiofaunal organisms (sediment-dwelling species measuring less than 1 mm in length) to assess the pollution status of the Thames Estuary and the possible effects of reduced freshwater flow and mechanical disturbance. It also demonstrates the value of meiofaunal techniques as a sensitive means of longerterm monitoring of changes in conditions that occur within the Tideway. A number of parameters and methods of examining the data were used to make inferences on the environmental quality within the Estuary and these are described and discussed in detail. These include information on the tolerance of different species to pollution or other forms of environmental stress, effects on the numbers of species present in different communities (species richness), effects on the densities of individuals and on the trophic structure of the communities (the relative abundances of different feeding types). These parameters were also used to assess the effects of reduced freshwater flow and mechanical disturbance.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: London
Subject Keywords: Sediment sampling; Pollution monitoring; Estuaries; Water quality
Geographic Keywords: Thames Estuary
Extent: n.p. [259]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3649
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