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Title: A desk study of the available information on wintering waterfowl feeding in the Wash, Lincolnshire and Norfolk
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This report of the available information on wintering waterfowl feeding in the Wash, Lincolnshire and Norfolk represents part of a much wider overall project in the NRAs Anglian Region. Over the last three years data has been collected on the flora and birdlife which colonise the coastal defences of the whole Anglian Region. In addition, winter survey work on wildfowl and waders has been carried out on the Lincolnshire coast from Whitton on the Humber estuary to Gibraltar Point. The work was completed in 1990 while the current report aims to identify if the NRA can utilise current data to produce a report meeting the NRA Anglian Regions standards. This report, following the first report on the Essex estuaries Blackwater, Crouch and Roach is soon to be followed by reports on the Blyth, estuary in Suffolk, and of the Colne estuary and Salcott.Channel (Essex). Further reports based on surveys carried out by other organisations in the late 1980s will be issued soon, covering the wintering wildfowl and waders of Hamford Water (Essex) and the Stour, Orwell and Deben in Suffolk. In coming years it is anticipated that surveys will be completed on all the major estuarial and coastal systems. These data form a major operational tool. The information will be used to ensure that wherever the NRA undertakes essential work on flood defences, it does so with a sympathetic understanding of the needs of the wildlife of East Anglias remarkable coastline.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: EstuariesMigrationBirdsData collectionCoastal management
Geographic Keywords: The WashLincolnshireNorfolk
Extent: 8; + appendices
Total file downloads: 338

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