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Title: The Lambourn catchment modelling work
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The objective of this study has been to develop a simple numerical model of a typical chalk catchment which could be used for a sensitivity analysis of the impact of groundwater pumping on stream flow with respect to abstraction regimes and aquifer configuration. The Lambourn catchment is on the Berkshire Downs, which lies on the unconfined Chalk aquifer. This aquifer is the major aquifer in the UK both in areal extent and in the quantity and quality of water extracted from it. The Lamboum catchment was investigated intensively during the 1960s and 1970s for the purposes of the West Berkshire Groundwater Scheme, which had the objective of maintaining downstream river flows during dry periods through augmenting the River Lamboum by groundwater pumping (Hardcastle, 1978). The Lamboum catchment was chosen for the chalk catchment because of its extensive groundwater and river flow monitoring network developed as part of the West Berkshire Groundwater Scheme. Furthermore, except for short periods when the abstraction scheme was operated, the catchment is relatively natural with only 3 % of the mean flow abstracted for local supply. The aquifer in the Berkshire Downs has been extensively modelled in the past (Oakes and Pontin, 1976; Connorton and Hanson, 1978; Morel, 1980), and most recently by Rushton et al. (1989), who developed a three dimensional model of the complete River Kennet basin for estimating the groundwater resources of the aquifer.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [before 1996]
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: ModelsWater abstractionAquifersCatchment managementWater resourcesWater quality
Geographic Keywords: LambournKennet and Pang catchment
Extent: 9; + figures
Total file downloads: 280

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