Title: Market testing of coastal survey vessels : final report to project board
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
The NRA timetabled the market testing of its coastal survey vessels in 1994/95 and a paper to EG and the Board in October 1994 concluded that there was no reason to discontinue the market testing exercise. However, the paper did identify further work that needed to be undertaken before a business risk analysis and the preferred option for the vessels could be completed. This project aims to address these further issues and present the business case for the preferred market testing option to EG and the Board. It must be emphasised that it is the work being carried out by the Coastal Survey Vessels that is being reviewed, not the complete range of coastal monitoring activities undertaken by the NRA. While a formal Marine Monitoring Strategy addressing the Authority's business needs has been produced and agreed by the regions, it was accepted that there were some issues which remained unresolved and which required further work. Amongst these was how the national marine baseline survey and other estuary and coastal water monitoring could be merged to provide optimal delivery of the Authority's requirements. Accordingly, a contract was let to carry out a review o f the data from the baseline surveys of 1993 and 1994. This reviewed both the quality of the data from the various sources (spot sampling, on board analysis, continuous on track monitoring and remote sensing) and how they meet the business needs defined in the Marine Monitoring Strategy.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Coastal waters; Marine environment; Water monitoring; Boats; Strategies
Extent: 31
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3130
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