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Title: Dee catchment management plan : biological assessment of agricultural catchments
Author: I.P. Thomas
Author: M. Scott
Author: J. Bowker
Author: P. Roberts
Document Type: Monograph
This report describes an extensive biological survey carried out in August 1993 in the lower Dee tributaries to assess agricultural impacts on water quality in intensively farmed areas. The survey had three objectives: To identify suspected inputs areas whose impacts had not demonstrated by spot water quality sampling due to intermittent and/or chronic pollution; To identify areas where more investigations needed to pinpoint polluting sources; To provide contemporary biological data to support development of the Dee Catchment Management Plan. Objectives a and b are the subject of this report which summarises the results and makes recommendations for future action by the E and Q section. Objective c will be achieved through a separate exercise in which biological data will be compared with water quality data from routine monitoring sites.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: National Rivers AuthorityCatchment Management PlansWater qualityWater pollutionBiological surveysAgricultural pollutionAssessment
Geographic Keywords: Dee (Wales)Dee (Tidal) catchment
Extent: 19
Total file downloads: 335

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