Title: Rural sewage pollution in the '90s : report of the rural sewerage project 1993/4
Author: National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Project was set up in in April 1993, as a 12 month initiative by Lower Severn Area of the National Rivers Authority, Severn Trent Region. Its aims were to: identify and survey pollution from rural drainage systems in the Lower Severn Area and assess the scale of the pollution caused assess the future consequences if no action is taken; collate information from local authorities and other sources to document the extent of the problem analyse the current constraints on public sewerage; investigate alternative methods of resolving the pollution (e.g. "private community plants); generate discussion and debate on the problem within the communities concerned and rural authorities; produce a Report for discussion in a broad forum; prompt action to amend funding provision and legislation if necessary act as a focus for future reference. This Report is the principal product of the Project. It is, by the nature of the rural sewerage problem an interim statement. Many technicaI, legal and financiarissues must be addressed before the problems can be resolved. The Report includes recommendations for further action by the National Rivers Authority to address these issues.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Tewkesbury
Subject Keywords: Pollution surveys; Sewage; Pollution control; Water pollution; Sewerage; Effluents; Drainage systems
Geographic Keywords: Severn; Worcestershire; Warwickshire
Extent: 200; + tables, figures and appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3042
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