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Title: Evaluation of an ELE/pHOX sub-logger submersible water quality monitor
Author: A.J. Chappell
Author: C.J. Wright
Document Type: Monograph
This report describes the evaluation of an ELE\pHOx Sublogger water quality logger. It is designed for field use in fresh or saline water to measure dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, pH, and turbidity. The instrument was supplied with developmental software, which caused a number of problems. The D/0 readings changed by up to 14% saturation with different flow rates and the temperature, pH, and D/0 probes were all affected by temperature. The response times of the conductivity, pH, and D/0 sensors were consistently less that 1 minute and the instrument is strongly built. As with all field instruments careful maintenance and calibration is required before deployment in the field, but the size of the logger and the software made accurate calibration difficult to achieve.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water quality measurementsPerformance testingMonitoring techniquesDissolved oxygenEquipment testingDataloggers
Extent: 25
Total file downloads: 68

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