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Title: Bathing water quality survey 1993
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
The EC designated beaches at Shoebury East, Thorpe Bay and Westcliff achieved compliance with the EC Directives coliform standards. The five non-designated beaches rarely exceeded the EC I values for coliforms, and, if designated, would have complied with the EC Bathing Beach Directive for coliforms. The number of samples containing viruses was lower than in previous years. The incidence of viruses ranged from 16% to 40% for the eight main Southend beaches. Actual virus concentrations ranged from 1/10 litres to 6/10 litres. 22% of samples analysed contained Salmonella sp. This is considerably higher than in recent years and is, to some degree, likely to be due to a change in external contractor. The 1993 coliform failures do not appear to be linked to periods of high rainfall. Coliform levels at the ancillary beaches, Gravesend and Grays, were higher than those at the Southend beaches, but were typical for these sites.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Bathing waterWater qualityBacterial monitoringBeachesBaysViruses
Geographic Keywords: Thorpe BaySouthend on Sea (Essex)
Extent: 3; + figures and tables
Total file downloads: 76

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