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Title: Towards value for money through market testing
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
From the outset in 1992, market testing in the NRA had been about achieving better Value For Money, which is Market Driven-VFM (MD-VFM). The features of MD-VFM were: VFM Management Practice (Integrated delivery of outputs to defined quality at required costs, with clear customer/provider roles); High Performance Delivery (through competition or other forms of benchmarking, or use of external suppliers); Continuing Improvements (putting in place management 'drivers' which promote continuing performance enhancements). Each service's needs are assessed individually, so that the solutions are a good fit. Normally, it will be too ambitious to introduce all the MDVFM features at once. A better approach is to make a small number of key changes that head the service in the right direction; this will pave the way for other MD-VFM features in due course.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Environment AgencyBusiness plansBusiness managementServices
Extent: n.p. [32]
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