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Title: Devon area internal report - the kingsbridge estuary - survey of the benthic microinvertebrate infauna (october 1990) for the proposed classification of estuaries in the south western region
Author: Trevor Baker
Document Type: Monograph
Twelve intertidal sites, with 4x0.01 m cores at each, were taken to provide data on the communities present and population structure In addition, a 2 protocol of 4x0.05 m Van Veen grab at each of six subtidal sites, assisted in characterising the species composition of the soft sediments of the Kingsbridge estuary. Sediment particle size analyses at the selected sample sites, and salinity measurements of the water column, were used to assess their roles in determining community structure. Both salinity and grain size were seen to have some influence on species distribution and population size. The sheltered aspect of the middle and upper reaches, where salinities remained high, allowed for speciose communities. Community structure and species composition appears to be typical of this type of environment and there are no species in sufficient numbers to indicate excessive organic enrichment. This survey provides baseline data from which subsequent work can be developed, though it should be recognised that a time series dataset would also be required as part of a baseline.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: EstuariesWater qualitySediment samplingMicrobenthosInvertebratesSalinity
Geographic Keywords: EA South WestDevonKingsbridge Estuary
Extent: 17; + appendices
Total file downloads: 347

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