Title: Distribution of PCDDS an PCDFS in surface freshwater systems draft final report R and D Project 330
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: R&D Project 330
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are present naturally in the environment, but these natural sources are of relatively little importance compared with the emission of PCDD/Fs into the environment as unwanted by-products of anthropogenic processes. This study was initiated by the National Rivers Authority with the overall objective of determining the distribution of PCDD/Fs in surface freshwater systems of England and Wales. The study involved the sampling and analysis of 40 sites for surface waters and 36 sites for deposited surface sediment from both potentially polluted and background areas.
Publisher: AEA Technology
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: [Oxfordshire]
Subject Keywords: Dioxins; Surface water; Water sampling; Water pollution
Geographic Keywords: England; Wales
Extent: 36; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2309
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