Title: Genetic aspects of spring run salmon : interim report
Author: Emer Rogan
Author: Fiona O’Flynn
Author: Richard FitzGerald
Author: Tom Cross
Document Type: Monograph
This interim report lists those persons visited or contacted m Europe (E.R.) or N. America (F.O'F.) since the project started in January '93 (Table 1) and also details those who will be contacted during April. It then outlines probable section headings for the final report and lists some of the topics which will be covered in each section.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Research projects; Partnerships; International cooperation; Genes; Migration
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmonidae
Extent: n.p. [8]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2290
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