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Title: A strategy for the management of the new South East Area Biology Team across a dual location following restructuring
Author: Lindsey Richardson
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Certificate of Management project
The scope of this project is to produce a strategy for the effective management of the team across the dual location following relocation, with focus on the following areas: individual and team development, effective communication within the team and with other groups, quality of work and cost effectiveness. Information required to produce a development strategy was gained through questionnaires, team meetings, structured meetings, and informal discussions. The main problems affecting team development have been identified as: the current isolation of the team, the problem of operating across two offices following relocation, and the need to clarify regional/area biology roles and objectives. Areas requiring significant development include: achieving clear objectives and goals, sound working and decision making procedures, cooperation and conflict, and creating sound inter-group relations. The team is already strong in the following areas: openness and confrontation, support and trust, regular review, and individual development.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Environmental managementEnvironment AgencyWork teamsRestructuring
Geographic Keywords: EA South East
Extent: 56
Total file downloads: 345

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