Title: The disposal of sheep dip waste (R and D Report 11) : effects on water quality
Author: J. Blackmore
Author: L. Clark
Document Type: Monograph
The aims of the project were to investigate the impact o f the disposal of sheep dip waste, principally on groundwater quality, but also with regard to disposal onto shallow soils overlying impermeable bedrock. In the latter situation, typical of much of the sheep farming land of northern Great Britain, the perceived threat was to surface water quality because of lateral migration of polluted water along the rock/soil boundary. A national survey of sheep farming and dipping practices was carried out and presented as a separate report (R and D Interim Report 208/7/N) in 1991, a summary of which is included in this report. A number of catchment-based studies was carried out in Devon, Sussex, Northern Ireland and Scotland. A total of six dip disposal sites in these areas was investigated.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Groundwater pollution; Water quality; Water pollution; Agricultural pollution; Farms
Geographic Keywords: Devon; Sussex; Scotland; Northern Ireland
Extent: 42
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2260
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