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Title: MIKE II application guide (350/12/NW)
Author: K.N. Murrell
Author: R.W. Crabtree
Document Type: Monograph
The aim of this study has been to produce an Application Guide for version 3.01 of MIKE 11. MIKE 11 is a dynamic, one dimensional, water quality model, developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute. It has been recently upgraded to meet specifications defined by the Urban Pollution Management (UPM) Programme for a tool to aid investigation into the impact of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) on receiving waters. The resulting Application Guide will enable new users of the upgraded software to become familiar and confident in such applications. The Application Guide provides advice on how to use MIKE 11 within a framework of NRA policy and standards. This is reinforced through support and self-training by a series of illustrative examples. The Application Guide has been developed as a complementary document to the existing software documentation and forms a supporting document to the forthcoming UPM Manual which will describe the detailed applications procedures for the integrated use of the UPM models. This report summarises the background requirement for this project. It gives the history of the project and comments on the recent software upgrades. It also briefly describes the contents of the Application Guide which is the major product of the study.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water qualityModelsResearch projects
Extent: 13; + appendices
Total file downloads: 380

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