Title: The implications of climate change for the National Rivers Authority (Report 12)
Author: N.W. Arnell
Author: A. Jenkins
Author: D.G. George
Document Type: Monograph
The overall objective of this report is to describe, given current knowledge, the sensitivity of National Rivers Authority (NRA) activities to climate change and to assist in the development of NRA response to climate change. Specific objectives are listed below: 1. To summarise the current state of knowledge of possible climate changes in England and Wales, and review the rate at which information on possible climate changes might be improved; 2. To estimate, given current knowledge, the sensitivity of each NRA core function to climate change, and indicate both the key impact areas and the uncertainties in current assessments; 3. To identify the parameters of climate change of greatest relevance to the NRA; 4. To assist the NRA to develop a management and related research strategy in response to climate change.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Climate change; Environmental planning; Environmental impact assessment; Forecasting
Extent: 94
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2215
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