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Title: Field validation of algal toxin test kit : progress report for period February 1993 - April 1993
Author: University of Dundee
Document Type: Monograph
The overall project objective is to validate for the NRA the development and performance of the field test kit for microcystin-LR (MC-LR) developed by Biocode, and develop field procedures for its use by NRA staff. The specific objectives to be carried out during the present reporting period were as follows: Continue optimisation of cell lysis procedure; Continue purification of microcystih variants; Continue collection of field samples of cyanobacteria/water; Evaluate MAbs (by ELISA) and validate preliminary columns; Assess the linkage on MAb(s) to column support materials; Compare Biocode test kits for specificity, recovery capacity, and detection limits for microcystins from aquatic environments with standard laboratory methods.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Field experimentationAlgal bloomsResearch projectsProject evaluationTesting
Taxonomic Keywords: Cyanobacteria
Extent: 13
Total file downloads: 304

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