Title: Managing water abstraction : the catchment abstraction management strategy process : updated July 2002
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This document, Managing Water Abstraction: The Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy Process, is the national document that supports the development of CAMS at a local level. It sets out the national policy and regulatory framework within which CAMS operate, it describes the process of developing a CAMS and it provides information on the structure and content of CAMS documents. Local CAMS documents should be read in conjunction with this document. CAMS will operate on a six-year review cycle. This document supports the process for the first cycle. However, if the proposals for new legislation are approved by Parliament before the end of the first cycle of CAMS, a revised version of this document will be required. Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive will also necessitate a re-evaluation of the document.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2002
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water resources; Water management; Water abstraction; Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies; Water Framework Directive; Legislation; Policies; Processes
Extent: 48
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2089
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