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Title: Risk based inspection of flood defence assets
Author: Ian Meadowcroft
Author: Chris Fayers
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: guidance note 38
MAFF High Level Targets (MAFF, 1999) include a target that the Environment Agency should have in place a programme for regular inspection of flood defence assets. The frequency of inspection 'should be risk-based, taking account of factors such as the status, nature and significance of the flood defence, main river or critical ordinary watercourse. This report presents a pilot system for determining inspection frequencies on the basis of risk. The main factors are defence condition, deterioration rate, criticality and land use band of the area protected. The approach is based on the principle that inspection intervals should be sufficiently short to detect problems before the asset reaches a critical condition.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: London
Subject Keywords: Flood defence structuresInspectionRisk assessmentPilot projects
Extent: 9
Total file downloads: 293

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