Title: Radiological assessment - Amersham plc (Cardiff site) variation application 2001
Author: J.G. Titley
Author: R.W. Allott
Author: J. Stansby
Document Type: Monograph
This report provides an assessment of the radiological implications of discharges on "Amersham plc" at the current limits and limits proposed by the Agency. A prospective radiological assessment has been undertaken for future discharges of radioactive wastes from the Amersham pic Cardiff laboratories. Amersham pic have made an application to vary their discharge authorisations and new discharge limits from the site have been proposed by the Environment Agency. Discharges are made to atmosphere via stacks on site and to the Severn Estuary via the Cardiff sewage system. A new sewage treatment works is under construction to treat sewage produced in the Cardiff area, including sewage containing discharges from Amersham pic. It is expected that sewage sludge pellets produced by this works will be used to condition farmland in the Cardiff area and treated effluents will be discharged to the Severn Estuary. During periods of high rainfall the sewage system is designed to overflow into the Whitchurch Brook and into the River Taff. A sewage improvement scheme is under construction to reduce the frequency of overflow events to the Whitchurch Brook.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: Lancaster
Subject Keywords: Radiation monitoring; Emissions; Air pollution; Water pollution; Pharmacology; Sewage treatment
Geographic Keywords: Wales; South East Valleys; Severn Estuary
Extent: 93
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1703
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