Title: Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Thames Region
Author: Environment Agency Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: March 2001
This strategy for Thames Region, forms part of a suite of eight strategies that are consolidated in the Agency's national strategy for England and Wales. It looks some 25 years ahead and considers the needs for water both for the environment and for society, examining the uncertainties about future demand for water and its availability. It is part of a framework of integrated water resources planning carried out by the Agency and key water users. Water companies play an important part in this framework, each having a published plan for the next 25 years that is kept under annual review. This strategy sets a structure within which these plans can be refined, allowing them to meet the wider objectives of society.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Water resources; Water management; Action plans
Geographic Keywords: EA South East; Thames; Cotswolds catchment; Cherwell catchment; Vale of White Horse catchment; Kennet and Pang catchment; Thame and South Chilterns catchment; Colne catchment; Maidenhead to Sunbury catchment; Loddon catchment; Wey catchment; Mole catchment; Upper Lee catchment; London catchment; Darent catchment; Medway catchment; North Kent catchment; South Essex catchment; Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne catchment; Thames (tidal) catchment
Extent: 115
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1558
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