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Title: North West region : sustainable urban drainage systems case studies in central area
Author: Environment Agency North West Region
Document Type: Monograph
This booklet analyses Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDs) case studies of the North West Region. It contains brief details of some of the SuDS promoted by the Agency within Central Area. The knowledge and experience gained from these sites is invaluable in the promotion of SuDS elsewhere. Increasing acceptance of sustainable systems generally is due in no small part to our ability to use sites such as those outlined within this booklet as examples of best practice. In each case the adopted design cost less than a traditional system and in some cases considerable saving were made.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Warrington
Subject Keywords: Sustainable Urban Drainage SystemsBest practicesPublic relationsFlood risk management
Geographic Keywords: EA North WestLancashire
Extent: 26
Total file downloads: 336

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