Title: Old Bedford incorporating the Middle Level and Ouse Washes : second annual review : July 2000
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This is the second annual review of the Local Environmental Agency Plan (LEAP) for the Old Bedford (incorporating the Middle Level and Ouse Washes) area. The Plan area is described in detail in the Old Bedford LEAP Consultation Report, and in summary in the Action Plan. The following is therefore a brief description of key factors only, with particular reference to the year in view. Falling mainly within Cambridgeshire, one of the fastest growing counties in the country, the LEAP area contains some of the most important nature conservation areas and arable land in the UK. It comprises a combination of the Ouse Washes and the Middle Level river systems. The Ouse Washes (32 km from Earith to Denver) were created in the 17th Century to prevent flooding of the low-lying fenland of the Middle and South Levels; they are now internationally recognised as a site for conservation of breeding and wintering birds and for their aquatic life. The system is described in more detail in Figures 1 and 2. Lying to the west of the Ouse Washes, the Middle Level is subdivided into 39 Internal Drainage Districts, most of which are administered by the Middle Level Commissioners (MLC). Almost 70% of the Middle Level is fenland and lies below mean sea level. The climate is typical of East Anglia in that evaporation during the summer months normally exceeds rainfall, and water resources are limited.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Catchment management; Nature conservation
Geographic Keywords: Cambridgeshire; Norfolk; Old Bedford including Middle Level catchment; Ouse Washes
Extent: 38; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1167
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