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Title: Proceedings of the conference National Minewaters 20th -21st April 1998 Tapton Hall Sheffield University
Author: Environment Agency North East Region
Document Type: Monograph
The year has involved a continued close liaison with the EA, SEP A, DETR, DTI and Local Authorities in order to progress the implementation of Minewater Treatment Projects in England, Scotland and Wales. Work has continued in prioritising sites in consultation with EA and SEPA on a cost/benefit basis to bring high impact sites into the Authoritys programme of ongoing remediation projects as funding becomes available. In progressing the feasibility study work carried out during 1996/7, the year has targeted the progress of a number of high priority schemes, taking them from initial desk top/ feasibility study to detailed design, planning, contract and construction phase. The target being to progress four projects to construction during 1997/8. The year has been successful in many ways, in that schemes for Minto and Polkemmet, in Scotland, Gwynfi in Wales and Old Meadows in England have all now progressed to construction phase. The year has done much to instigate an ongoing minewater remediation programme for the Authority and has set a firm foundation for continued work in 1998/99 subject to funding.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Subject Keywords: MiningWater qualityAnnual reportsEnvironmental organisationsEnvironmental management
Geographic Keywords: EnglandScotlandWales
Extent: n.p.[97]
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