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Title: Synthetic pyrethroid survey 1998
Author: Environment Agency North East Region
Document Type: Monograph
It has become increasingly clear over recent years that synthetic pyrethroids are extremely toxic to aquatic life. Synthetic pyrethroids are now being widely used to dip sheep following concerns for human health linked to the organophosphorus dips, unfortunately the new synthetic pyrethroid dips are at least 100 times more toxic to aquatic organisms. In addition to dipping sheep these chemicals are widely employed as pesticides in arable agriculture, wood preservatives and the growing of seedling trees. A number of particularly devastating pollution incidents involving synthetic pyrethroids in Scotland, Northwest England and Wales have resulted in a depletion of the invertebrate fauna over many kilometres of river. In the Northumbria Area a number of pollution incidents involving synthetic pyrethroids and sheep dips were investigated prior to 1998 however it was decided that a more proactive Area wide approach was required in order to determine the extent of the problem.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Newcastle upon Tyne
Subject Keywords: Toxic substancesAquatic environmentSurveysWater qualityPollution controlEnvironmental impactPesticides
Geographic Keywords: EnglandScotland
Extent: 6; + maps, appendices
Total file downloads: 355

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