Title: Midlands region biodiversity strategy
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
"Biodiversiiy" is simply a new term meaning the variety of life, and biodiversity conservation is what has long been known as nature conservation. The importance of biodiversity conservation has been recognised internationally by the drawing up of a Biodiversity Convention intended to ensure the conservation of the full range of existing plant and animal species. The UK Government signed the Biodiversity Convention at the Rio Earth Summit in June 1992. The Prime Minister promised then that a national action plan on biodiversity would
be produced, and this wras published in January 1994. Amongst the proposals contained within it was the intention to establish a Biodiversity Steering Group. The Steering Group reported its deliberations in two documents published in December 1995. As well as setting out in general terms the importance of biodiversity conservation and ways of achieving it, the report set out detailed and costed action plans for 116 key species and 14 key habitats, many of them aquatic or wetland-related and thus of particular interest to the Agency. It was also suggested that a further 286 species action plans would need to be prepared in the next few years, together with another 24 habitat action plans (for which a background was provided in the form of a number of less detailed habitat statements). This strategy concentrates on the aquatic and wetland species and habitats identified in the Steering Group report which are definitely to be found in this Region. It looks at the contribution that the Environment Agency Midlands Region could and will be making to the national biodiversity targets.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: [Shropshire]
Subject Keywords: Biodiversity; Strategies; Biodiversity action plan; Protected species; Nature conservation; Wildlife management; Habitat improvement
Geographic Keywords: Midlands (England)
Extent: n.p.[71]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1057
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