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Title: London's river (information pack on the River Thames)
Author: Environment Agency Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Environment Agency booklet aims to analyse the history of the River Thames, moreover its ecology, wildlife, archaeology and sites of interest. The River Thames is not, perhaps, one of the most imposing rivers; it has no rapids, no precipitous falls, no geographical eccentricities. But it has character, and there are few others which can compare with it in that respect, or many others. The Thames happens to be one of the greatest rivers in the world, not because of its size, hut because of its importance to London, the world's higgest centre of population; to Great Britain, an island nation which depends for its means of living on sea communications, and to the world as a whole because it is London's river, without which London would never have made its mark on history, or in international trade and commerce. The secrets of the Thames are not displayed openly, they must be sought out, or discovered by accident, you can wait down to the river at any point and find something to admire, or to question; but to understand its magic, or at least appreciate its fascination to the full you must embark upon the river, and learn the wonder of its ways. The banks of the Thames teem with historical places and buildings, all the way downstream from Hampton Court to the Tower of London, and the architectural wonders at Greenwich.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Tidal riversGeomorphologyFreshwater ecologyRecreationWildlife
Geographic Keywords: Greater London
Extent: n.p. [15]
Total file downloads: 299

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