Title: Progress Report June 1994
Author: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Document Type: Monograph
This report is the The Atlantic Salmon Trust (AST) summer progress report of 1994. It provides information about AST initiatives, news, projects and publications of 1994. Articles included in this report are: "autumn fishing" by the Scottish Anglers National Association; "Norway, its salmon and its rules" by Margit Brooks; "the Russian Atlantic salmon rod fishery" by Michael Savage; "the prevalence of escaped farmed salmon in the catches of coastal net fisheries around Scotland, June to August 1993" by John Webb; "superintendents and bailiffs meeting, March 1994" by John Webb; "reconditioning Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) kelts" by R.I.G. Morgan, I. Mitchell and D.S. Keay; "meeting of the honorary scientific advisory panel" by Derek Mills; "modelling growth in salmonids: progress report" by J. Malcolm Elliot (Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Windermere Laboratory) and "review of scientific literature on salmon" by Dr. Derek Mills (University of Edinburgh).
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheries; Fishery management; Angling; Catches; Fishing licenses; Fish farms; Life cycle
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom; Scotland; Dee (Aberdeenshire); Tweed catchment; Europe
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salar; Salmo trutta; Salmonidae
Extent: 47
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ast:88
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